New Jersey Marijuana Wholesaler License

Interested in starting a Cannabis business in New Jersey?

What Is a Marijuana Wholesaler License in New Jersey?

A marijuana wholesaler license, also called a Class 3 license in New Jersey, is a legal certification that allows the holder to purchase or obtain, store, sell or transfer, and transport, marijuana products for resale or to other cannabis wholesalers or retailers. A marijuana wholesaler license does not allow holders to sell or transport marijuana products to consumers.

The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Enforcement Assistance and Marketplace Modernization Act (CREAMMA) requires persons interested in acquiring, storing, and transporting cannabis items to retailers to obtain wholesaler licenses. Per New Jersey Statutes Section 24:61-40), a marijuana wholesaler must obtain a Class 3 marijuana wholesaler license issued by the Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) for the premises where marijuana items will be warehoused.

How to Apply for a Marijuana Wholesaler License in New Jersey

On August 29, 2021, the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) voted to adopt the first set of rules (initial rules) that will guide the cultivation, manufacture, and sale of recreational marijuana in the state. The rules also paved the way for the opening of applications for cannabis business licenses.

The rules become effective immediately upon filing with the Office of Administrative Law and remain effective for a period of one year. The CRC will start accepting applications for marijuana business licenses, including wholesaler licenses at a date soon to be announced. Information on application procedures for the wholesaler license will be posted on the New Jersey CRC website when a Notice of Applications Acceptance has been issued. The Notice is expected to include:

Although the specific rules for applying for wholesaler licenses are yet to be released, the regulations released by the CRC in August 2021, contain some general guidelines for cannabis license applicants. Per the released rules, wholesaler license applicant entities: